Mary Paffard Yoga

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Cuba and Covid

Are you Nutz? This is the time for rapprochement with Cuba not disdain!

A post that I just shared with my Bowl of Well-Being Friends. I have to say that my love of Cuba is rekindled every day. Right now, many of our students are living in more challenging than ever situations because of the US blockade. Fortunately some of them have a tad more internet than before (via Venezuela) and are teaching classes on Whats App And I keep getting messages from them, full of concern and love for all of us. Here is a message from Rubio in Holguin: Quiero pedirte un favor, como no tengo las direcciones todos los amigos de Yoga Va en USA y fuera de USA, y además mi inglés es muy limitado para cosas como estas, te ruego que le hagas saber a nuestro deseo de que estén bien ellos y sus familias, de que se cuiden que no se expongan innecesariamente, de que han sido parte importante en nuestras vidas por eso os tenemos presente y no dejamos de pensar en ellos. Sumate a este grupo de afectos y cuidate bien al igual que a tu familia, mantenerse juntos para salir todos adelante tal como han hecho hasta ahora, no importa que estemos lejos, si nuestros pensamientos andan juntos, casi nos podemos tocar.

If you haven’t heard about Cuba letting a cruise ship land and having created drugs that could be v helpful and are helping in some places already in this pandemic, read this article “The great paradox is that while the ships contracted by Cuba to carry oil and food are harassed by the United States, the ships carrying the sick that nobody wants in their ports receive solidarity and respect in Cuba,” Cuban journalist Rosa Miriam Elizalde wrote recently in the Mexican newspaper La Jornada. — Edited (12:40 PM)

Please spread this information around. Yes, there are many issues in Cuba. Things we would not necessarily be OK with but the demonizing of this country compared to others is utterly ridiculous. I have met many of these doctors on these missions. Yes, they would like more pay but they work as a team, they love their country and they are utterly dedicated. It’s an extraordinary world that does not acknowledge the depths of their resourcefulness, compassion and wisdom in these types of crises even if it is for selfish reasons, like accessing their health care benefits some of which have been whittled away by years of the US medical supply embargo. However they are still a prime example of a resourceful nation in crisis, with a robust education system that creates doctors and scientists who truly innovate and heal. And of course we all know what brilliant artists, musicians, yogis and dancers they are!!!….. Enuf...i will get off my soap box. Apologies but the world seems daft at times.