Mary Paffard Yoga

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Organ-ic Yoga - August 31in Hastings, UK

Greetings UK Yogis!
Just reminder that the early bird for this special workshop on August 31, in Hastings, ends soon an space is limited. First come, first serve situation.

I am very much looking forward to teaching again in England. It’s been an age! And fortunately for me, Sally my sister has kindly offered to take registrations for this workshop and set up the site in her lovely home town of Hastings.

This type of yoga work is a delight to share. This is where we can move deep inside to connect with our own more authentic expression, letting the more restrictive forms of yoga systems, mechanical movement and our own sense of perfectionism, go! And how refreshing to be by the seaside for post or pre yoga time.

Hope you can join us on Sunday August 31, 10-4. If there is space after August 1 it may be possible to attend am or pm. Please note the more detailed description of this workshop at this link.

You can sign up online (may be an extra exchange charge) on my site or if you prefer, pay directly into my UK Bank account by contacting Sally at

Wishing you a wonderful summer of yoga


PS Online Yoga continues throughout the summer - Last Deep Yoga session focusing on starfish and tide pool life on Aug 4.