Bone of Contention

An in person and online workshop on 10/21 at Nest Yoga, Oakland
with Richard Rosen and yours truly about the cocyx…..
Read on for detailed info and registration go to this link

Richard and I have known each other since our yoga-babyhood in the early 80s. And have loved teaching and talking yoga over the decades. Especially when we disagree! We have long held both similar and different opinions in relationship to the cocyx and its relevance to posture and movement. And as the years move on, our understanding evolves too. So even if you were at the first event quite a few years ago, consider joining us for this discussion and practice time. Bring your questions and opinions and we will have a fun and informed celebration of this “little bone of happiness” and hopefully will all leave with happy tails and spacious grounded bodies. Of particular interest to teachers of yoga and movement but open to all.

At Nest Yoga, Saturday 10/21, 2.30 - 5pm - Streaming available if you cannot be there in person and the recording of session will be available for one week after this event. Register and more info at this link


November Update - The Beauty of Sorrow


October Update - Dem Bones