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January Online Yoga

Online Yoga Classes available by individual drop-in, by month or by recurring monthly subscription which Includes all Saturday and Wednesday classes with Mary, Tuesdays with Michelle, PLUS a restorative session 1/12/23

- Auto Subscribers have access to 3 months of recordings and 33% discount on One to One and Deep Yoga
- Monthly Subscribers have access to the current month of recordings
- If you have never attended an online class with Mary, for January only, fee can be $20 - Info here

4 Saturdays

January 6,13, 20 and 27
9 am - 10.15am (10.15am - 10.30am post class chat - optional)
This class is an opportunity for more experienced yogis to follow my current practice threads. I will be doing some of the practice with you so you need to know your limits and be familiar with yoga pose names. Suitable for those who like a slow, juicy flow…with inversions, backbends, and progressions to deeper poses (always optional!).

3 Wednesdays

January 3, 10 and 17
7-7.25am Meditation (no donation accepted)

7.30-8.25am Active Vinyasa: to help you get up and go! A lively flow of sun salutes and standing poses with warm up and cool down. Not for beginners. Note: I leave this class in Savasana at 8.20am. You will need to re-enter after 8.25am to join the Basics class.

8.30-9.30am Basics: A simple class touching into all the bases and designed for those who want a slower pace and modifications. Suitable for all, beginners included. Join the class after 8.25am.

Tuesdays with Michelle Marlahan
8-8.45am This fun work-out class helps build strength and flexibility and those registered by the month or auto-subscribers can access this class through the link in the month’s subscriber page. No recordings for this class.

A Gentle Restorative-Oriented Practice 1/12/24 - 5-6pm

All Classes

Make sure you have wall-space, a mat and a blanket/large towel. Blocks, a strap, and a bolster are advisable for the more advanced class and welcome aids for all sessions. If you have no props at all, that’s OK too. You may have to improvise!

Zoom Link for Classes - All payments are on the honor system. Subscribers will receive a link to the months subscriber page where the recordings are stored.
Meeting ID: 834 7627 5578
Passcode: 153982

December 12

Yoga Va Fundraiser

January 19

Pesky Piriformis and Pelvic Allies!