
Hi Everyone! This program has supportive online info and future pages are entirely optional extras, and aim to be a venue for references and conversations that may occur prior or post to one of our sessions. They will also house the recordings of each session and these recordings will be available until the end of 2023.  

Logistics: This particular page will include logistics and contact info, in case you would like to be in touch with folks between sessions.

DATES: March–August 2023(Six Sessions)
Third Sundays of the Month, 8.45am - 11.30am
You can access the page for the particular session from this page

  • 3/19

  • 4/16

  • 5/21  

  • 6/11 (note 2nd Sunday not 3rd)

  • 7/16

  • 8/20 

YS BUDDIES - Here is the Roster - Please make sure that you both take responsibility to find a time to chat on the phone (or zoom if you prefer) soon after each 3rd Sunday. It can be 20 mins, it can be an hour or more. Start with a simple checkin and then bring in what’s topical from the previous session for you, perhaps discuss some of the online reflections or material. If you have the month from “hell”, at least communicate via email as to your state of being even if making a call proves impossible.

Contact Info (from whats available 3/23/23)

Proposed Themes for 2023 - Subject to Change! are at this link with a short description: https://www.maryyoga.com/workshops/sangha-soul-service

Dropins: If you wish to encourage a friend/student/colleague to join us, it is possible to drop-in. Registration is at this link: https://www.maryyoga.com/classfees/sangha-soul-service-a-monthly-salon-for-yoga-teachers

Zoom Link for our online live sessions: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87294733827?pwd=bU52V2crZDFXWktTNzd3NE04b3JPdz09