Solstice and July Update: Letting in the Light
Please note the website has had some major updates and some of the links from previous mailings have been updated. Contact Mary if you cannot find something in this transitional period. Thank you for your patience! Please remember to bookmark for updates!
Auto-Subscribers for online classes: make sure you resubscribe. Your old subscriptions ended with the movement from old website to the current site.
Online Yoga Summer Special for Newbies
Espana! Retreat and apartment
Youthful Lights Guiding Climate Story!!
Free Solstice Light/Metta Meditation
Save the Date: Gray Bear Retreat 4/24-5/2, 2024
Online Yoga continues…
4 Saturday mornings: 9-10.15; July 8, 15, 22 and 29. No class 7/1
3 Wednesday mornings: Meditation 7.00, Vinyasa 7.30, 8.30 Basics: July 5, 12 and 19. No class 7/26
Summer Special for New to Online Yoga: 3 months for 2! July 1 - September 30
Sign up for Auto Subscription and receive 3 months of recordings - as well as a special summer one month guest pass for a friend.
Monthly or Dropin options available
Our Theme this month is “Underwater “- In June, with inspirations from Richard Rosen’s Alphabetizoo, we explored the safari, wild animal world. Ending in Octopus! This month, to keep us fluid and cool in the summer heat, we are diving into the ocean, letting wave, seaweed, dolphin, starfish, jelly fish and other aquatic gurus guide us…
Costa Brava, Catalunya
September 17-22
4 spaces left in the Catalan Spa Retreat
Alternatively you may be interested in renting my little flat which is .5 mile to the Costa Brava! More info…
STOP PRESS - Yoga Outside!
7/9 Earth Body - A Day of Clay and Yoga with Jess Thompson and Mary on Mendo Coast.
Limited space!!! Sign up soon!
Sundays in the Park - 6/25, 7/23, 8/27, 8-9am
Cloverdale - Donation based event. Spread the word. Last Sunday of the month June-August. We start this coming Sunday.
Ukiah classes on Tuesday eves in August
FREE SOLSTICE MEDITATION - Letting in the Light…and the Love - 23mins
Solstice enhancing poem included in the meditation:
I Never Knew
Take off the backpack.
Lie down in long grass.
Pull up the blue sky-blanket.
So many years of Dharma practice,
Straight-spine diligence, straining toward enlightenment.
This hillside.
Just this.
Lie down in long grass.
Let the earth take you.
Deer tracks and horse dung
and the eye within the eye, revolving and luminous.
I never knew this.
Did no one ever tell me?
I remember my Zen Master in the interview room.
“Trust yourself,” he said. “Just be yourself.”
I think his meaning was this:
Take off the backpack.
Lie down in long grass.
Let the sky take you.
Breathe space
into space
into space.
I never knew there was so much light!
– Helen Dhara Gatling-Austin
Jorge Avila on Cuban TV with a presentation about Yoga and Children
A Ray of Light in Cuba
Amid all the challenges and shortages in Cuba, a teacher training program Yoga Va 3 is continuing and bringing solace and inspiration to a very dedicated group of yogis. This program is under the directorship of Jorge Avila, and is supported by assistant directors Tamara Venereo and Mariela Mazon and previous Yoga Va graduates. Vladimir Ferreiro brings philosophical guidance and Oswaldo Barroso supports with technical expertise.
A collective and powerful educational arising creating a new generation of teachers in Habana.
If you would like to know more, please read this current newsletter and please support our Yoga Va organization so we can support extraordinary beams of light like this. Contact me if you want to help, or read the newsletter to find out more.
Photo: Eagle’s Peak, Montana
Youth Bring Light to Climate Story
An extraordinary story from Montana is appearing in the news that has actually been going on for over two years. Sixteen young people are bringing the State of Montana to court for not fulfilling their constitutional duty to preserve a healthy environment for the people of Montana. This state is unusual in that in 1972, in the hey day of environmental protective legislation, this clause was inserted into the constitution for the benefit of Montana folk and future generations! It is very unusual that a case like this - and there are many that are trying to get to trial - actually gets to the court room.
Bring a little sense of possibility to yourself - and send a tad of metta to these young folk and lawyers who are fighting the essential fight amid unimaginable opposition from climate denying/right wing groups by listening to these short (30mins) audio podcasts about this extraordinary story: The Guardian and The Daily
Wishing everyone light love and ease as we move into full Summertime.