June Yoga Update: Arisings and Passings…
Please note the website has had some major updates and some of the links from previous mailings have been updated. Contact Mary if you cannot find something in this transitional period. Thank you for your patience! Please remember to bookmark www.maryyoga.com/home for updates!
Auto-Subscribers for online classes: make sure you resubscribe and check recent weekly email for special thank you goodies!
Online Yoga Summer Special
Espana! Retreat and apartment
A tribute to Daniel Frey, our dear yoga friend
A poem or 2…
Online Yoga continues…
4 Saturday mornings 9-10.15; 3 Wednesday mornings Meditation 7.00, Vinyasa 7.30, 8.30 Basics
Summer Special for New to Online yoga: 3 months for 2! for a limited period
Sign up for Auto Subscription and receive 3 months of recordings - as well as a special summer discount and guest pass
Monthly or Dropin Options available
June Dates
Saturdays: 3rd, 10th, 17th (pre-recorded) and 24th; Wednesdays: 7th, 21st, and 28th
Our Theme this month is Summer Safari - Inspirations from the wilder of our Kith and Kin, inspired by poems from The AlphabetiZoo by kind permission of its author Richard Rosen. Join us to frolic and play with our animal gurus…..
From the Alphabetizoo Preface:
….We’re brown ad white and black as ink
And green and yellow even pink!
And camouflaged with spots and stripes-
Let’s celebrate all types of types!……
How wondrous strange we creatures be
Not dreamt of in philosophy…
It might be just a tail or beak
What makes each one of us unique-
But no matter what that thing may be
We all were made for poetry.” and Yoga!
Costa Brava, Catalunya
Ah Catalunya! Join me at our annual Spa Retreat, Sept 17-22, in the heart of Catalunya, at a traditional Spa hotel - the ancient Roman spa right there in this small town of Caldas de Malavela. Our unique hotel is close to Girona, an hour train ride from Barcelona and 40 mins drive from many coastal walks and beaches like the above! Info“Yoga, thermal waters, Catalunya breezes - Magic!”
Alternatively you may be interested in renting my little flat which is literally minutes away from walks like this, .5 miles from an exquisite part of the Costa Brava. Info
STOP PRESS - Yoga Outside!
7/9 Earth Body - A Day of Clay and Yoga with Jess Thompson and Mary on Mendo Coast - Sign up soon, small group.
Sundays in the Park - 6/25, 7/23, 8/27, 8-9am
Cloverdale - Donation based event. Spread the word!
Check local page for next Ukiah series - 2 more in the current session.
A Poem re Passings, recommended by KC on the passing of Daniel Frey and another young beautiful being….
The Cure
by Albert Huffstickler
We think we get over things.
We don’t get over things.
Or say, we get over the measles,
But not a broken heart.
We need to make that distinction.
The things that become part of our experience
Never become less a part of our experience.
How can I say it?
The way to “get over” a life is to die.
Short of that, you move with it,
let the pain be pain,
not in the hope that it will vanish
But in the faith that it will fit in,
find its place in the shape of things
and be then not any less pain but true to form.
Because anything natural has an inherent shape and will flow towards it.
And a life is as natural as a leaf.
That’s what we’re looking for: not the end of a thing but the shape of it.
Wisdom is seeing the shape of your life without obliterating (getting over) a single instant of it.
O what a yogi you were and continue to be…….
Sad news. All of you at some point were touched by the life of Daniel Frey, a local yoga teacher, teacher, musician, lover of the earth and all life. He assisted Tamara, our wonderful Frey chef, at retreats and was an integral part of our Basics Teacher training in 2014-2015; he continued to teach and meditate and share yoga with everyone in classes and just in the way he lived his life. It has taken me awhile to absorb the news and I apologise for not communicating beforehand to those of you who were not aware of his passing recently.
Daniel was found at the bottom of the stairs at his parents house, Luke and Emily Frey. At first, it was thought that it was a fall but later on, they suspect that there may have been some kind of choking that caused him to move on to other planes. An autopsy will clarify what occurred. For those of you who weren't able to go to the 3 days wake at the Freys’ house, it was deeply touching to see the whole house full of flowers, music and loving friends and family. Monks from Abhayagiri came and chanted, Sufis danced and while I was there, Christians were anointing all with holy oil. And there was Daniel at rest in a sea of glorious spring blooms, just visible his kind and gentle face.
I remember Daniel coming to yoga as a very young kid with his mother Emily many moons ago and was always impressed and frankly surprised at how attentive and enthusiastic he was with the yoga, for a little fella. And it was such a delight to see him as he grew up in class, trainings, around town, on the Frey Ranch - always welcoming, always kind, always taking care of those less able in the human realm, and his animal and plant families. Most often barefoot! As many of us have commented, he was one of the few people we can think of who truly wanted to live - and did- an honorable, respectful for all life, existence. And although it is so sad for the rest of us to have to let go of such a young person and his earthly existence, there were many times when he seemed to be operating in another world altogether. His practice was very deep. Do see Kirk’s facebook post about Daniel - very touching.
I have been asked by Emily to say a few words about Daniel and his yoga path at the Celebration of Life at the Frey Ranch. If any of you have stories or reflections to share, please send them to me